There are several things that keep a human being alive. Hope is definitely one of them. Hope to survive yet another day, hope for a better job or for a better life. The hope that keeps me going is the Hope for a MIRACLE.
There have been times when I have looked into the mirror of the past & thought what my life has been till now. Each & every failure has been a learning experience, no doubt about that. But the difficult part has been to pick myself up after every failure & move ahead. Move ahead with new thoughts, new perspectives, a new goal & a hope for better things to come. But my experiences have taught me one thing: Whatever happens, happens for the better.
Every time I have failed to achieve something, I have become stronger at the next attempt. The reason for this has been my experience of failure coupled with the firm hope for better things to come. But just hoping for things to change does not help one achieve ones goals. It has to be in conjunction with hard work & mental toughness. The assessment of a failure for me starts with Self-introspection. It is always difficult for us to find our own faults, but that has to be the first step for succeeding in life. It helps us to change ourselves for the better, to redefine ourselves & our priorities. Self introspection at regular intervals has always proved beneficial for me.
Self introspection gives way to change and, as we all know, change is inevitable. Self introspection also does another very important thing. It gives us the hope for better things. We realize that things could have been better if we had done otherwise (thinking this positively) & this gives way to the Hope for a better future. We try not to repeat the same mistakes again in the hope to succeed, and when we do succeed, our self belief & our belief in Hope strengthens. The process of achieving goals in life is a never ending process. When we achieve one goal, the thirst for the next goal develops and guides us towards it. The process of movement from one goal to another is brought about by HOPE. So, hope is again important in the sense that it allows us to set new targets in life.
On the personal front, for a long time now, I have been searching for ‘something’ which is a very important part of my life. I have come somewhat close to it. However, success seems distant even now. But looking back, I find that I have come a long distance & the only way currently is to move ahead. And move ahead I will, with a new vision, a new belief & the Hope for yet another… MIRACLE !