I have seen many people around me saying how lucky or unlucky they have been in a particular phase of their life. But is it really luck that dictates our life?
It is said, “The harder you work, the luckier you get”. But does hard work always pay off? I have seen many of my friends working very hard, but failing to achieve the goal again & again. If they get luckier with more hard work, they should succeed, shouldn’t they? Then again I have also seen people succeed with minimum efforts. Now how do you explain that. Then people say that it is hard work that pays off in the long run & luck alone can take you only a small distance in the journey of life. Again this is something very debatable & controversial.
It is said, “The harder you work, the luckier you get”. But does hard work always pay off? I have seen many of my friends working very hard, but failing to achieve the goal again & again. If they get luckier with more hard work, they should succeed, shouldn’t they? Then again I have also seen people succeed with minimum efforts. Now how do you explain that. Then people say that it is hard work that pays off in the long run & luck alone can take you only a small distance in the journey of life. Again this is something very debatable & controversial.
However, I feel that there is some kind of a divine power controlling luck. But then, this power is not under our control, is it? Luck & destiny do have a role to play but practically speaking, they are not everything. This is where, I believe, The Bhagwad Gita gives the best way out. It tells us to do our actions towards meeting the objectives & at the same time be detached from the result. Detachment is the golden word. Detachment from the result or fruit of our action allows us to overcome our fear of failure as well as the feeling of sadness that is bound to come if & when we fail.
So, at the end of the day we got to do what we got to do. I would say, do your job & forget about luck. That would be an easy way to keep our complicated life a bit simple, wont it ???