I reached home at midnight, after attending an office party. Struggling to keep awake, I started having a look at the presentation that was the key to pass the exam. "Hmm... I think I can cover this by 4:00 AM", I thought. Just 140 odd slides, plus I already had a look at them before & knew the context. Shouldn't have gone to the party though, would've given me some more time to get this over with. But then, in the fight between exams & chicken, who would be the chosen one? Naah... chicken wins..hands down!!
So,I get started. One slide after the other. But where did these dogs come from & why are they jumping in and around the pillars. Hey, wait a second...pillars, what pillars. Wake up boy...these are bar graphs. They are supposed to show the revenues generated as a result of blah blah blah. I decided to sit & turn to the WWW to keep me awake. The orkuts & facebooks of the world. Somehow I reach slide 40....huh 100 more. Okay...lets get some music going.
As the music got me started again, I couldn't help remember the final days of MBA. The last semester. The last minute glances at the pages that remained unseen for 4 months or so & the ones that would get us through the last hurdle remaining. Those late night meetings to decide what to read, what not to read, or whether to read anything altogether. The rush to get the notes before the test & the parties in "Chandaal gali" following them. Then, before I knew it, I was growing all nostalgic & browsing through some old photos, remembering some really great people & the times I've had with them. Times that changed my life forever. Times that were fun & hectic at the same time. Times that were full of life & unforgettable.We the "GHANTAS" sure had a great time together @ KGP. The bakar, sort of never ended. Now in the hectic rush of life, that spark has faded a bit. We had met each other a long time back & have never had a real get together for over a year now.But that sure doesn't take away the effect these precious people have had on my life.
I've had to go through some 'not so good' situations in my personal life in the last few months. But these memories have always brought a smile to my face even on the worst of days. And the feeling that these people will always be there when I need them is what keeps me going every single day!
I glanced at the clock & it was already 3:00 AM. Still had almost 80 more slides to go. I then started rushing through the slides & somehow got done by 5:00 AM (I am still bad at managing my time, but I sure am on the path of improvement). And Yes...I passed the test today ;)
P.S: To all the "GHANTAS"....Thank You for touching my life the way you did & giving me those delightful moments that would stay with me forever. "Babaji ki jai ho !!"