Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Call of the Heart or Call of the Mind ?

So how should we handle being emotional or being practical? Now, by relationships, I mean all kinds of relationships that we come across in our life since birth. Be it with our parents, family, friends or the one we love.
I, for one, believe that the decisions I take when dealing with relationships are more emotional than practical. To put it differently, I listen more to the heart than to the brain in these situations. Am I wrong in doing so?
Well,I have always felt that its the connection of the hearts that keeps these bonds intact, so for me it makes perfect sense to go with the heart. People tell me that I care a lot for the people I know, most of the times I care about them even more than I care for myself. Yes, I do.
They tell me its a bad thing. They tell me it gives pain, one that is far more difficult to endure than any kind of physical pain that one can imagine. And from what I have learnt till now, YES, it does give pain...a hell lot of pain....but should that be the reason for me to change myself?
You can call it a manufacturing defect, but the truth is that I don't want to change ME. May be it's too late for me to change. May be I have crossed that threshold where we can actually change the way we think & feel about people. But, I am not very sure if there is any such threshold. And I believe that's how its meant to be. We are not meant to be PERFECT. That is what gives flavor to our life.
And so, that is how I will remain, always trying to spread smiles among each & every person I care about & who are important to me. And for them, I will be ready to endure any kind of pain or suffering. Its worth it, because to me, the call of the HEART is more important than the call of the MIND!!


Vikas said...

Maybe u cant change...
but u can surely IMPROVE ;)

ruddi said...

It is the call of our inner soul that never betrays us.. And our inner soul communicates to us through feelings...n feelings alone. And feelings are the language of the heart.
I feel that if we can actually "read" our feelings and respond to them the way WE want to, we can be the masters of our lives.
Catch ur feelings off-guard, and ensure that all of them leads towards peace. Else u wud just not be in sync with ur "higher self".
PS: it's our life. n we reserve the right to be happy, no matter what. :) :)

Abinash said...

@Ruddi...for a moment u got me confused dude!! But got what u r trying to say...well said....I agree :)

ruddi said...

wrote that after 3 pegs (see the time ;) )... n u know my capacity... LOL...:P
hence the confusion...

Perfect Misfit said...

heart, heart and heart, we have to listen in that particular order, when it comes to relationships, the day we start listening to the mind in our relationships, life wont be worth living.